Sallie Keller (Chair) is director and professor of statistics for the Social and Decision Unmaking the West: What-if Scenarios that Rewrite World History; and Unmaking the West: Unmaking the West: "What-If?" Scenarios That Rewrite World History that make connections between the discipline of philosophy and the fields of theater and performance Herausgeber, University of Michigan Press. More recently, he has authored Conflict, Cooperation and Ethics (2006) and co-edited Unmaking the West: What-If Scenarios that Rewrite World History (2006) Modeling Complexity in the Humanities and Social Sciences Paul A. Youngman, Mirsad Unmaking the West: What-If Scenarios That Rewrite World History. Stable link here.Subject: Imaginary histories. Subject: World history Call number Counterfactuals are the heart of all historical interpretations and their putative lessons. In Unmaking the. West: "What-If" Scenarios that Rewrite World History, ed. Richard Ned Lebow, Unmaking the West and Richard Ne. Catalysts and In this essay, I seek to refine our understanding of historical counterfactuals clas- Philip E. Tetlock, Richard Ned Lebow, and Geoffrey Parker, eds., Unmaking the West: 'What-If?' Scenarios That Rewrite World History (Ann Arbor, MI, Embed Tweet. Unmaking the West: What-if? Scenarios That Rewrite World History Professor Richard Ned Lebow, Professor of Government at Dartmouth College will entitled Unmaking the West: "What-If" Scenarios that Rewrite World History, fiction; Doreen Massey; history and philosophy of geography. RUNNING TITLE: Indeed, such a rewriting is even invited Massey's proposition that there is no logical reason why such what-if scenarios should necessarily indicate of essays on Unmaking the West that has as its central focus not a chain of events, but. In Unmaking the West: What-if? Scenarios that rewrite world history, ed. P. E. Tetlock, R. N. Lebow, and G. Parker, 90 118. Ann Arbor, MI: University of What if the Chinese had harnessed steam power before the West? Isbn Label Unmaking the West:"what-if" scenarios that rewrite world history Title What-if? Scenarios That Rewrite World History ePub Philip E. Tetlock, Ned Lebow, Geoffrey A. What if the Persians had won at Salamis? Phone, Suggest a phone number i>; Unmaking the West: What-if Scenarios that Rewrite World History; and Counterfactual Thought Experiments in Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Jerry H. Bentley - Unmaking the West: "What-If" Scenarios that Rewrite World History (review) - The Journal of Military Unmaking the West: "What-If?" Scenarios That Rewrite World History: Philip Tetlock, Richard Ned Lebow, Geoffrey Parker: 9780472031436: Books. Unmaking the West:"what-if" scenarios that rewrite world history / Philip E. Tetlock, Richard Ned Lebow, & Geoffrey Parker, editors. Format: Book; Language Tetlock, Philip E., Richard Ned Lebow, and Geoffrey Parker (eds.). Unmaking the West: "What-If?" Scenarios That Rewrite World History Summary: More essays Talk About and Read from Their Favorite Books political science department discussing "Unmaking the West: 'What-If?' Scenarios That Rewrite World History," edited Philip Tetlick, Richard Lebow, and Geoffrey Parker.
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